Committed to progress and improvement within Logan County for the long-term growth and well-being of individuals and organizations.
Engage donors to encourage planned giving, award grants, and support projects to create lasting community growth solutions for the betterment of our county.
With this website, the LCCF aims to share information about the many activities and organizations that support our community. If you know of an attraction, organization, or event that we haven't shared, please let us know and we'll add it to our database.
As residents, we know Logan County is a great place to live and to visit. Our Attractions page aims to help visitors and newcomers learn about all the great things our county has to offer.
You may be surprised at how many organizations are working to strengthen communities in Logan County. This list is intended as a resource for organizations to share information about their activities with the public and for the citizens to found out how they can join and contribute.
Stay up to date on all the happenings in Logan County. Are you organizing an event? Submit your event here so we can spread the news!
The Foundation has been an Agency Foundation of Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation since May 2017 with select funds managed by GNWKCF. The Foundation serves as a ‘savings account’ for the good of Logan County; paving the way for legacies to be made through financial gifts. Logan County Community Foundation provides an avenue for donors to give to for projects, county-wide or community specific needs, and personalized giving that best suits the donor’s wishes.
In November 2016, the Logan County Endowment Fund was established through utilizing a matching campaign initiative offered through the Dane G. Hansen Foundation. Incoming donations into this endowment fund was matched $1 for $1 up to $50,000.
To date, Logan County is one of 26 counties in northwest Kansas that has been awarded 12 rounds of $50,000 grants from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation, with 12 of those county funds established through the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation. This grant fund was established in March 2015 to allow qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations; or educational, governmental or religious institutes per IRS, to apply for funding assistance for projects intended for Logan County benefit. Qualifying entities may apply online; grants are awarded through a competitive application process. The Hansen Foundation has guaranteed additional rounds of funding to continue through 2021, providing continual county-wide participation in the Logan County Strategic Doing Initiative. For criteria and application information, click here. Click here to see a XL-formatted list of all grants awarded from January 2017 to April 2019, and here to see all grants.
The Farmers State Bank Junior Bank Board Scholarship was established in 2020 and is available by invitation only to USD 274 – Oakley High School graduating seniors who have actively participated on the FSB Junior Bank Board. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required. This scholarship is paid as a single scholarship payment directly to a post-secondary institution upon proof of enrollment. Applications are due by April 15 (end of day) annually.
LCCF Benefits of Charitable Giving
Purchase or Redeem a Giving Card
Need to find a gift for someone who has everything? Give a Giving Card. Much like retail gift cards, Giving Cards are given to celebrate birthdays, holidays, a job well done, or other special occasions. Giving Cards can be redeemed to benefit any 501(c)(3) public charity in the United States (including schools, churches and synagogues).
We have an opportunity in Logan County to turn our hopes for the future into reality! If we capture a portion of the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next – even just 5% – by setting up endowments through the Logan County Community Foundation, we could provide a permanent source of funding for our local organizations and causes that will greatly improve the lives of the residents of Logan County. To learn how you can Keep 5 in Logan County, visit
Carrie Evins
Angie Moore
Jeffrey Huffman
Aimee Zimmerman
Christi Schertz
Will Clark
Billy Bauer
Kerri Traynor - Executive Director